Workshop Research Method & Publication with Taylor’s University

The Faculty of Tourism, Universitas Pancasila and the School of Hospitality, Tourism, and Event, Taylor’s University, held a research workshop with a focus on mixed-method research design and publication in top-level journals. This workshop was held on February 27 2023, at Universitas Pancasila.

Dr. Devi Kausar, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Universitas Pancasila moderated this event by presenting two speakers from Taylor’s University, Dr. Jeetesh Kumar, Associate Director of Center for Research and Innovation in Tourism, Taylor’s University, who came to Jakarta for the workshop and Prof. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh, Director of CRiT Taylor’s University, who joined online from Selangor, Malaysia.

Around 30 academics and researchers from various campuses in Greater Jakarta attended this workshop. This workshop was expected to support academics in developing their  research skills and strengthen cooperation between Universitas Pancasila and the School of Taylor’s University.